Teaching School Subject Matter with Technology
TE 831
Summer 2017
Instructor: Dr. Douglas Hartman
This was my first graduate-level course. TE 831 focused on how to effectively integrate technology into a curriculum. I learned about the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and how to use both of these resources when lesson planning. This course allowed me to discuss the affordances and constraints of various technologies with my classmates; I learned that the quality of technology is much more important than the quantity.
Teaching Science for Understanding
TE 861A
Summer 2017
Instructor: Dr. Meenakshi Sharma
I wanted to take a course about science instruction because math and science are very much connected. Throughout this course, I developed an understanding of how to teach science conceptually using both the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the National Research Council (NRC) framework. I learned the importance of valuing students' pre-existing ideas about scientific phenomena that they bring with them into the classroom. I created a unit plan about phases of the moon, where I applied my knowledge and focused on scientific discourse.
ED 800
Fall 2017
Concepts of Educational Inquiry
Instructors: Dr. Steven Weiland & Nathan Clason
This foundational course focused on big ideas, philosophies, and theories of education. I was challenged to ponder the purpose of education, studying the ideas of influential educators like Dewey and Vygotsky, as well as reflecting on how my own beliefs affect my practice. Through various literature and media, I explored different forms of educational inquiry. This course helped me develop my academic writing skills and my confidence as a graduate student.
Educating Students with Challenging Behavior
CEP 832
Spring 2018
Instructors: Dr. Vicky Mousouli & Dr. Evelyn Oka
In CEP 832, I learned a great deal about how to better understand and respond to problematic behaviors in the classroom. Through case studies and discussions with classmates, I learned that identifying the reason for a student's undesirable behavior is the first step to helping them correct it. I studied numerous research-based behavior intervention strategies that ultimately help students learn how to regulate their own behavior. I did a project where I created and implemented an intervention plan to help one of my students who displayed noncompliant behavior.
Classroom Management in Inclusive Classrooms
CEP 841
Summer 2018
Instructors: Dr. Troy Mariage
This course helped familiarize me with social-emotional and behavioral characteristics of students with special needs. I studied management strategies that ranged from individualized interventions for particular students to Positive Behavior Support programs for entire schools. I learned about research-based methods for creating a positive classroom community that promotes kindness and inclusivity. I created a website that consists of information and resources to help put an end to bullying.
Promoting Positive Youth Development Through Sport
KIN 857
Fall 2018
Instructors: Dr. Daniel Gould & Jennifer Nalepa
KIN 857 was much different than any other course that I took throughout the program. I chose to take this course because of my interest in coaching, and I learned a ton of new information. An overarching theme of this course was that sports alone don't build character, rather, good coaching does. I learned that it's important for coaches and mentors to be intentional about teaching youth participants how to transfer skills from sports to their daily lives. I used what I learned to create a plan for an after-school basketball program at my school that focuses on helping adolescent girls become resilient, goal-oriented individuals.
Learning Mathematics with Technology
CEP 805
Spring 2019
Instructors: Dr. Ralph Putnam & Paul Reimer
This course taught me how to be critical of technologies that I integrate into my lessons. Certain technologies, including online games and manipulatives, can help support conceptual learning of mathematics. I learned that while online math games are often viewed as time fillers or rewards, high-quality games can be used purposefully as components of effective lessons. I worked with a small group to critique many technologies using newfound knowledge from course readings. I created an online resource library that contains numerous resources relating to middle school geometry, as well as an evaluation of each one.
Teaching School Mathematics
TE 855
Fall 2019
Instructor: Dr. Amy Parks
TE 855 focused on methods for teaching mathematics conceptually with multiple representations. Through readings, videos, and discussions, we explored ways to make math curricula accessible to diverse learners, such as ELL and special education students. This course allowed me to explore number talks, a practice where students solve computation problems mentally and discuss strategies that they use. I participated in a book club with a few classmates, where we read and discussed Making Number Talks Matter by Cathy Humphries & Ruth Parker. I also implemented number talks in my classroom over the course of a month and I created a presentation about the impact on my students' number sense.
TE 857
Spring 2020
Teaching and Learning Mathematical Problem Solving
Instructor: Dr. Tonya Bartell
This course taught me that understanding and problem solving are synonymous; students learn by actively engaging with authentic problems. I developed my own definition of problem solving - grappling with mathematical ideas to find solutions to meaningful problems. I learned how to create authentic problems for my students and how to adapt resources to increase the rigor. I also learned that students need to have opportunities to engage in a productive struggle when solving math problems.
Capstone Seminar
ED 870
Summer 2020
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt
The final course in the Master of Arts in Education program gave me the opportunity to create this website portfolio to reflect on my experience at Michigan State University. Each week I would create a part of my portfolio, exchange feedback with classmates, and revise my work. This course helped me to look back at what I've accomplished and set goals for my future as an educator. I am proud of my portfolio because it showcases my skills and accomplishments as an educator and graduate student, while also offering resources for other educators.
Annotated Transcript